Thursday, February 6, 2014

Faith Shaken?

I have been really hungering for knowledge of the scriptures. As I have studied, I have also had many doubts enter my head. I love Uctdorf's talk in conference to "first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith". I am teaching an 8 year old primary class the Old Testament this year. I know they are only 8 and I am studying like I am teaching adults, but that is not the point.

I am studying for ME. I can't get enough knowledge into my head fast enough. I am doing this for me. To nourish me. To take care of Me. Does that sound selfish? Well if you count how many times I just used the word ME it could be...ha ha.

 So I start with Genesis and my mind has a million question? Different creation accounts? Science? Evolution? Age of earth? The fall? Black and the Priesthood? Masons? Archeology findings? Faith? Doubt? Truth? anti-Mormon sites (they do have some correct facts that they focus on but they miss the element of faith and Testimony through the Gift and power of the Holy Ghost)?

The more I search the more I don't know. I am a scripture leper. I will not walk around without knowledge anymore. I want to know and understand the scriptuers.

Religious Scholarship, blogs, prayer, scriptures, faith, and nourishing my spirit through the word of God are going to have a bigger place in my life.

 I go to church and feel the spirit. I remember being shocked that the temple words were on the internet. Then I realized one day sitting in the celestial room in the temple praying that they could never put this on the internet and the peace I felt at that moment. I am realizing so much that my Faith is real. The church is True. Listening to a few talks have helped on Fair Mormon website:

I have had experiences with the Holy Ghost. I have had witnesses and miracles in my life. I know that I have to nourish my testimony often and regularly through the word of God because it has a short shelf-life

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